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who can choose from a vast number                         It makes me feel good to help
          of items as part of a funeral. Davies                     them deal with their grief.” Davis’s
          will provide and arrange for caskets,                     skill and noble work is evident by
          prayer       and       acknowledgement                    the number of thank you letters
          cards, register books, bag-pipers,                        he receives praising him for his
          organists, singers and harpists. If a                     friendliness,        compassion          and
          religious service is chosen, he will                      helpfulness.
          make the arrangements for the wake
          prayer service and the Mass. “As a                        The Rocky Point Funeral Home
          funeral director I know what a family                     is located at 603 Route 25A in
          needs based on the arrangements                           the business district, across from
          they have asked for,” he said. “I am                      St. Anthony of Padua Church. In
          a familiar with the local churches                        addition to arranging funerals, they
          and  cemeteries  and  know  how  to                       offer many informational brochures
          make it go smoothly.”                                     on topics such as pre-arrangement,
                                                                    talking to children about death,
          Davis accomplishes his job with the                       the death of a pet and dealing with
          utmost care and tact. “The details                        life after a loss. Jeff Davis can be
          of arranging a loved one’s funeral                        reached by calling 744-9000.
          gives a family an activity that is
          therapeutic. It helps the family get
          through the trauma of a tragedy,”
          her said. “I embrace the family’s
 “This business has always been
 about us  wishes and work with them.
 family run. My wife and three
 children are very supportive of me
 Jeff  Davis purchased the funeral   and the business,” he said, despite
 home last December from the   the enormous time commitment
 descendants of Alexander Main,   involved. “I am always  available
 a respected area resident who   - 24 hours a day, seven days a
 established it in 1969. The brick   week, 365 days a year.” The scope
 colonial building has two large   of responsibilities is broad and
 chapels,  comfortable  sitting  areas   includes not only sitting with family
 and a TV-equipped, special waiting   to make all the arrangements for the
 lounge  for  children.  Previously,   funeral service, religious service and
 Davies  managed  one  of  the  oldest   casket selection, but as a trained
 funeral homes in Suffolk Country,   mortician, he also personally brings
 the Ruland Funeral Home, located   the deceased to the funeral home,
 in Patchogue.
 performs  the  embalming,  cosmetic
 application and dressing of the body.
 “I always wanted to have a career   “There are so many details involved
 that would touch people and   in preparing for a funeral. I take
 where I could be involved with the   care  of  everything so the  family  is
 community,” said Davies, who enjoys   relieved  of  the  burden  during  their
 working with people and feels he has   difficult time,” he added. The Rocky
 been called to the profession. He   Point Funeral Home handles burials
 is a graduate of SUNY Famingdale’s   and cremations for people of all
 mortuary science program and is   faiths, but predominantly Cristian
 licensed by the State of New York   funerals are conducted there.
 as a funeral director.

 David’s intuitive nature, kind manner
 The Rocky Point Funeral Home is   and vast experience are what help
 privately owned and run by Davis.
 ease the experience for families

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