Page 13 - Planning Application Guide (Template)
P. 13

 • Site Notice: Site notices for new applications within a Conservation Area, relating to listed buildings and a ecting a public right of way will be displayed. Some Councils put up site notices for all planning applications, often asking applicants to arrange to display the notice in a publicly viewable position.
Assessment of the Planning Application
The planning case o cer will normally undertake a site visit and may also take the opportunity to view the proposal from adjoining properties. The planning case o cer will consider the comments received from any other relevant departments within the Authority or outside agencies as well as those from neighbours, the public and Parish or Neighbourhood Council;
The case o cer will assess the application against the adopted development plan policies, the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the other material considerations. Many issues are capable of being ‘material considerations; but in broad terms should relate to the use and development of land. As a general principle, the planning system works in the public interest and matters that a ect solely private interests are not usually material considerations in planning. Development Management policies may involve any of the following depending on the form of development and its complexity;
• The design, scale and layout of the proposal
• Location and context of the development
• Highway considerations • provision of car
• Impact on the landscape or street scene
• Impact on neighbouring property and
local environment
• Impact of building works on nearby trees
Planning Application Guide

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