Page 14 - Planning Application Guide (Template)
P. 14

Planning Application Guide
  This list is not comprehensive and it may be that following this assessment the planning o cer will seek some amendments to the proposal, the o cer will inform you or your agent and by negotiation these amendments may be incorporated. Depending on the extent of any amendments it may be necessary for further consultations and noti cation of neighbours, this may require the extension of the determination period beyond 8 weeks.
Reaching a Decision.
Approximately 90% of the decisions made on planning applications are delegated to Council o cers for decision. The others are considered by the relevant Committee of the Council. The dates for these committee meetings are advertised, and most Council’s encourage public involvement in the planning process through providing the public with the opportunity to speak at the Committee meetings when planning applications are being decided and giving applicants the right to respond. If your planning application is to be determined by a Committee then you or your agent should be noti ed by the Council and provided with details of any public speaking arrangements.
You can also obtain a copy of the Committee agenda by contacting the Council or downloading it from the Committee section of the council website. Committee agendas and reports are published at least 5 working days before the date of the Committee meeting.
At the meeting it is usual for a planning o cer to outline the proposal, then opportunity is provided for public speaking and for the applicant or agent to respond before the Committee discuss the application.

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