Page 9 - Planning Application Guide (Template)
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Planning Application Guide
Making a Planning Application.
The majority of people use an ‘agent’ to submit an application on their behalf. If you decide to use an agent then your local council normally send all correspondence to that agent.
Applications for planning permission can either be made online though the national Planning Portal or by submitting paper copies of all documents, application forms will be available at the Planning Department o ce or downloaded via the Council website.
You will at this stage need to decide what type of application you want to make. In most cases, if you know exactly what you want to do and have prepared detailed drawings, or if you want to change the use of your house or garden, you will need to make a ‘full’ application. If you want to see what the Council thinks about your proposal before you go to the trouble of making detailed drawings you might be able to make an ‘outline’ application, but check with your local Council. If you decide to make an outline application to establish whether your proposal is acceptable in principle you will need to make a further application at a later date for ‘reserved matters’ approval before you can start the project.
Prior Noti cation for home extensions Up to the 30 May 2019 legislation allows larger single-storey rear extensions to be built without requiring submission of a full planning application. These larger extensions require the submission of a “prior noti cation” to the Local Planning Authority and are subject to a neighbour consultation scheme.
This relaxation does not apply in the certain designated areas and you are advised to check with your Local Planning Authority whether you can use this procedure for your project.
What documents are required to make a Planning Application?
Whilst there are minimum national requirements on what documents you need to submit with the planning application form many Councils
also have what are termed local Lists’ of additional information required for various types of application, details of these should be provided with the downloaded forms and via the Planning Portal. Additional information can include matters such as an arboriculture report where the proposal a ects trees, an ecological report where the proposal may a ect protected species and a ood risk assessment where the proposal relates to land liable to ooding.
The minimum information you will need in support of your application is:
• Site location plan, showing the proposed application site outlined in red along with any other land you own outlined in blue. This needs to be at a scale of either 1:1250 or 1:2500.
• Block plan, this is a more detailed site location plan and needs to be at a scale of 1:500 • Any elevation and roof plan drawings, both existing and proposed at a scale of 1:100.
• The correct fee.
You should also ensure the ownership certi cate within the application form is signed and dated, with any necessary notices served on other parties having an interest in the application site.
If there are any personal or special circumstances you wish to raise in support of your application this should be done through a separate planning statement to accompany your plans and application form.
If you are making your application in paper form the number of copies of plans and documents you need to provide varies between Councils, though will not exceed four, you are advised to check before submitting the application.