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  About Us
Our Firm was established by Clem and Doris Smith who first opened the doors of the then Smith Funeral Home in 1966. Their objective was to offer area families a new, modern facility in a time when funerals were very well attended and when much emphasis was placed on religious beliefs and practices. They were welcomed with open arms by a community ready to seek change.
As times evolved, so did the Smiths. In 1994, André Pilon became the familiar face that visitors and families alike would encounter when calling upon the Smith Funeral Home. The name of the funeral home was changed January 1st, 1995 when André Pilon and his family purchased the business from Clem and Doris. The Pilon-Smith Funeral Home and Chapel remained until the funeral home became the Pilon Family Funeral Home, Chapel and Reception Centre in 2001.
Many changes would take place in the following years. From decorating, re- furnishing, re-designing and even adding a large formal chapel to the existing facility in order to accommodate an ever changing population whose religious practices also changed and whose requests for less formal more personalized services have become commonplace.
The addition of a large Reception Centre for post funeral gatherings was built and furnished at the same time as the Chapel was constructed. This area allows guests and family members to mingle in a beautiful informal setting while enjoying an amazing assortment of fine foods provided by our in-house caterer.
The Pilon Family and Staff have become Valley renowned for their kind, genuine, professional service and also for the creative ways that they memorialize individuals. Attendance at a visitation or funeral service at Pilon’s is a memorable experience.
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