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Natural cemeteries: Natural cemeteries, Why is having a place to visit so
also known as eco-cemeteries or green important?
cemeteries are a new style of cemetery To remember and to be remembered
set aside for natural burials. Natural are natural human needs. A permanent
burials are motivated by the desire to be memorial in a cemetery provides
environmentally aware, although natural a focal point for remembrance
burials can be performed at any type of and memorializing the deceased.
cemetery, they are usually done in a natural Throughout human history,
woodland area. Conventional markings memorialization of the dead has been a
such as headstones are generally replaced key component of almost every culture.
with a tree or a bush or a placement of a Psychologists say that remembrance
natural rock. practices, from the funeral or memorial
service to permanent memorialization,
Burial FAQ’s serve an important emotional function
for survivors by helping them bring
closure and allowing the healing process
What is opening and closing and why is it to begin. Providing a permanent resting
so expensive? place for the deceased is a dignified
Opening and closing fees can include up to treatment for a loved one’s mortal
and beyond 50 separate services provided remains, which fulfills the natural
by the cemetery. Typically, the opening and human desire for memorialization.
closing fee includes administration and
permanent record keeping (determining What happens when a cemetery runs
ownership, obtaining permission and the out of land?
completion of other documentation which When a cemetery runs out of land,
may be required, entering the interment it will continue to operate and serve
particulars in the interment register, the community. Some cemeteries
maintaining all legal files); opening and have crematoriums, and some historic
closing the grave (locating the grave and cemeteries even offer guided tours.
laying out the boundaries, excavating and
filling the interment space); installation In a hundred years will this cemetery
and removal of the lowering device; still be there?
placement and removal of artificial grass We think of cemetery lands as being
dressing and coco-matting at the grave in perpetuity. There are cemeteries
site, leveling, tamping, re-grading and throughout the world that have been in
sodding the grave site and leveling and existence for hundreds of years.
re-sodding the grave if the earth settles.
Can we dig our own grave to avoid the
charge for opening and closing?
The actual opening and closing of the grave
is just one component of the opening and
closing fee. Due to safety issues which arise
around the use of machinery on cemetery
property and the protection of other
gravesites, the actual opening and closing of
the grave is conducted by cemetery grounds
personnel only.
Overton Funeral Home, Inc. - Page 17