Page 210 - booklet draft
P. 210

In  terms  of  quantity,  the  division  has  disposed  7517  MT  of  scrap  up  to

               of  2173  MT  (P.Way)  is  yet  to  be  placed  in  catalogue.    Besides,  scrap

               released  from  ensuing  TRR  Works is  further  expected  to  be  received  in
               order to meet the target for the year.

                20000          18700
                          18000                                                               Target Quantity
                                                                                              (P.Way in MT)
                16000                                                                         Disposed Quantity
                14000               12870        12500 13834           13000                  (MT)
                12000                                      11160                              P.Way Quantity out of
                                                                                              total disposed (MT)
                 8000                                                       7517              7583 7517
                 6000                                                            5168                  5168
                              2020-21                2021-22         2022-23 up to 31.10.22  2022-23 Pro-Target Vs

               1.3  LOCAL PURCHASE

                                                              Goods                         Services
              Year                                      No. of          Value         No. of        Value in
                                                      Purchase             in       Purchase         Crores

                                                       Orders          Crores        Orders            ( .)
                                                      released           ( .)       released
              2020-21                                    1121           20.95           28             4.57
              2021-22                                    1414           28.69           53            27.52
              2022-23 (up to 31.10.22)                    978           22.29           12             2.67

                           Procurement statistics of Goods [IREPS+GeM]


                                     20.95 Cr                                                    22.29 Cr
                                                           17.02 Cr
                    11.45 Cr

                   2020-21             2020-21            2021-22            2022-23             2022-23
                    [As on                                 [As on                                [As on
                  31.10.20]                              31.10.21]                              31.10.22]
   205   206   207   208   209   210   211   212   213   214   215