Page 32 - FINAL_RPS Awards 2021 Coverage Book
P. 32
The Phoenix Saxophone Orchestra has been jointly shortlisted for the
highly-coveted Royal Philharmonic Society (RPS) accolade.
A talented Market Harborough orchestra is tuning up to hit the high
notes – by bidding to win a top national award.
The Phoenix Saxophone Orchestra and Scotland’s Aberdeenshire
Saxophone Orchestra (ASO) have been jointly shortlisted for the
highly-coveted Royal Philharmonic Society (RPS) accolade.
And they are exhorting people across Harborough to get behind them
and vote for them.
The two orchestras are in with a shout of carrying off the prestigious
Inspiration Award after launching a pioneering cross-border project,
produced for Make Music Day in June.
As part of the initiative, some 17 saxophonists from the two groups
joined forces to record an arrangement of the rousing march ‘Entry of
the Gladiators’ by Czech composer Julius Fučík.
Phoenix Saxophone Orchestra’s Jane Smith, who plays soprano sax
on the piece, said: “Being able to make music across borders in this
way has been a real inspiration for all of us.
“We are absolutely thrilled to have been chosen as joint nominees for
this award.
“We all put a lot of work into it - from arranging and rehearsing to
recording and video production.”
Jane added: “We’ve learned so much along the way and it’s fantastic
that the Royal Philharmonic Society has selected us for this honour.