Page 18 - LuxeFactor Magazine BC Edition
P. 18

 Despite all of this, I kept moving. I had to. Short walks turned into my victory laps, reminding me that every step was one towards survival. I was blessed not to need chemo, so my hair remained mine—short as it’s always been by choice, but still mine. And for that, I’m grateful.
December 5th, 2022, was the day my life changed again. I chose a double mastectomy, opting to remove both breasts. There was no way I was leaving the other one to chance. If cancer dared to return, it wouldn’t find a home in my body. But life is unpredictable, and the surgeries didn’t go as planned. The expanders meant to prepare me for reconstruction? My body rejected every single one. Surgery after surgery, setback after setback, until there was nothing left. I was back to square one, only this time, without breasts.

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