Page 32 - LuxeFactor Magazine BC Edition
P. 32

    Duke | 102
My husband , whom i love dearly is NOT that attractive. However he never misses an opportunity to tell me just how attractive , any number of strange mysterious women are , that he says he runs into on a regular basis. How can I let him know I find this offensive and i’d prefer him shower that attention on me
Oh honey, let me tell you, men can be about as subtle as a wrecking ball when it comes to compliments— especially the kind they aren't giving their wives. Now, first off, bless his heart for having the nerve to point out every “gorgeous stranger” he stumbles upon like he’s giving out awards at the Miss Universe pageant. He better have eyes like a hawk to notice all these women, ‘cause Lord knows his reflection ain’t exactly winning him any beauty contests.
Now, you’ve got to remind him just how lucky he is. Next time he starts babbling about some random beauty like a lovesick puppy, you hit him with, “Well, I’m thrilled to know you’ve got such impeccable taste. Too bad I don’t hear that same enthusiasm when you’re lookin’ at me.” Then give him the look, you know the one that says, "I dare you to say something stupid after that."
And if he doesn’t get the hint, maybe you just “casually” mention how that new trainer at the gym or the coffee guy at the corner shop seems to think you’re real easy on the eyes. Let’s see how he likes a little competition. Ain't no reason you should be standing around while he's out there auditioning for "Creepy Husband Chronicles."
Oh, and sugar, if he doesn’t shape up after that? You’ve always got a cast iron skillet nearby—just sayin’.
My significant other doesn't believe in doing anything , considered woman's work... washing dishes, picking up after himself, putting away groceries...Etc... We both work and contribute equally to the household... I care for him , but i'm at my wits end
Oh, honey, bless your overworked heart. Sounds like your man’s got this 1950s fantasy going on, where you're the maid, chef, and personal assistant all rolled into one, and he's... what? The king of the couch? Let me tell you, back in my day, we had a name for men like that: lazy.
Now listen, you work just as hard as he does, and if he thinks his hands are too delicate for a sponge or a grocery bag, he might need a wake-up call. Next time he leaves his dirty dishes out like he’s expecting the dish fairy to show up, you tell him, “Sweetheart, unless you’ve hired staff I don’t know about, those dishes ain’t magically walking themselves to the sink. And newsflash —neither am I.”
And while you’re at it, maybe go on a work strike. That’s right. Let the dishes pile up, leave his dirty socks where he dropped 'em, and when the kitchen starts to look like a scene from Hoarders, just sit back, sip your tea, and say, "Oh, I thought you didn’t believe in woman’s work—so I’m doing man’s work by watching you drown in your own mess."
If he still doesn’t get it, just let him know you’re happy to start splitting bills based on who does what around the house. You handle the chores? He pays all the rent. Seems fair, right?
Either he’s gonna learn to love that dish soap, or he can start loving life on his own. You’re too damn busy to raise a grown man!

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