Page 13 - Racial Disparities Taskforce Group 5 Data Summary
P. 13
Given our group’s objective, we set the following goals:
Conduct Virtual Job Fair with a focus on reaching those most impacted by the COVID pandemic in Flint and Genesee.
Create directory of workforce providers and workforce resources.
Conduct a survey of current workforce providers to better understand population(s)
served and types of services provided.
Recommend data sets that would be included in a community dashboard
We have done the following:
Our subcommittee has worked on developing a list of local agencies and organizations that are providing a variety of workforce development services in the City of Flint and throughout Genesee County. This list is being updated and cross referenced with lists that exist via Flint and Genesee Chamber of Commerce‘s Opportunity Youth Coalition and the Ruth Mott Foundation‘s Workforce Convening Group. These groups will be included in the mailing list for the survey that is being discussed in the full committee.
A set of survey questions have been developed to help us better understand the types of services currently available throughout the community, and the populations served by each organization. Our survey will be ready for distribution by the week of August 17, 2020, and we plan to have the results ready to share by September 10, 2020.
A platform has been recommended for the virtual job fair, and we are proposing to hold the first fair on October 15, 2020.
Members of our subcommittee had the chance to attend the Ruth Mott Foundation‘s Workforce Development Convening on July 29, 2020. We were able to hear partner updates, the results from a survey to that group related COVID-19‘s impact on their services, legal resources to support workers, RMF‘s Community Dashboard, and to share what we‘ve been working on in our subcommittee. Rafael Turner has agreed to join our group, and it might be possible for us to continue working on our long term goals via the Workforce Development group that he is convening there.
We have updated the final data sets that we‘d like to see in a community dashboard. These data are influenced by the research that we conducted during the first few weeks that we met, and is being summarized in a data report. Data sets and information for the dashboard includes educational levels, credentials earned, income gaps, poverty levels, high demand careers, livable wage career opportunities, availability and use of support/resources. This report is a culmination of our work.
We are recommending:
That the members of Group 5 continue our work related to the full development of a way to share data and progress on the data sets that we‘ve determined to be critical to monitor in order to assess improvements in the lives of workers of color over time.
Development of a community wide campaign that focuses on connecting workers of color to educational programs and career training in career pathways that lead to living wages in our region, and providing access to new financial resources needed to cover the costs of the training, and earning the credentials necessary to access available opportunities or needed to advance to self-sustaining employment.