Page 86 - FGLN SC Onboarding Binder 2021
P. 86

Appendix 3: Comments from Funder Interviews
In September and October, 2018, Miller staff contacted senior leaders at the foundations that are the major funding partners of the the network. These included the Flint Community Foundation, The C.S. Mott Foundation, the Ruth Mott Foundation, and the Hagerman Foundation.
General Comments and Suggestions from funders
 This is a critical time for FGLN as they are now shifting from awareness to
action, planning to execution, vision to measurement
 We want and need to see results and proof of results: Where are we five years
into the work? Where do we want to be in five years?
 We were originally looking over a 20-year period, with 5-year detailed
reporting out to the community
 I believe that members of the Network are not really competing for grants
 I believe funders do not have a “pitch” ready to share to others when talking
about the Network — [When asked what an example pitch might be, the respondent answered: “Advocating and promoting community-wide literacy for adults and children and families learning together”]
 “I do not know if the Network is known enough about beyond the existing members and those in the literacy world — it has to be shouted from the rooftops and get more funders”
Question: Why did you make the original decision to support the Literacy Network?
 The Foundation became interested in supporting the network when we got the “gut punch” of seeing the low statistics of literacy, from ready for kindergarten
to seniors not being able to complete their old age pension application
 It was increasingly clear that literacy rates are crucial to the success of our
 They were very much meeting a need (for Two-Gen literacy coordination)
 We were part of the original conversations that created the network
Question: How does the Network align with the mission and value proposition of your own organization?
 Community Foundation Mission: For Good For Ever — Literacy is at the very foundation of “Good”
 Very direct mission alignment with Hagerman
 Direct alignment with priorities of Ruth Mott Foundation
Question: What are the greatest strengths you see the FGLN offering the community?
 Coordination of programs
 Reduction of competition for limited dollars
 Harmonization of literacy measurement targets
 For those who know about the Network it has a very good reputation
 They provide the same updates to all program agencies so that folks are
hearing the same thing at the same time
Flint & Genesee Literacy Network Strategic Plan 2019-2022

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