Page 2 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 2
What are the How can I Can stress of
symptoms of protect myself? Covid-19 affects
COVID-19? my pregnancy?
Fever cough Shortness Avoid close contact with anyone Chronic stress or toxic stress
of breath who is sick or has symptoms in pregnant women has been
linked to complications like
Other symptoms may keep about 6 feet of distance gestational diabetes, low birth
include muscle aches, between yourself and others weight, neurodevelopmental
tiredness, nausea and problem and preclamia.
vomiting, headache, sore Wear a cloth face mask in
throate, and a loss of taste or public and at work * If you're having trouble
smell. managing stress or
Wash your hands often with anxiety, talk to your
If you have symptoms seek soap and water for at least 20 health care provider
medical advice seconds * about coping strategies.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose
and mouth
Cough or sneeze into your
bent elbow or a tissue