Page 6 - 2012021181_I Putu Gede Satriya Wibawa_Modul Cause & Effect
P. 6

2020      [                      MODUL CAUSE AND EFFECT                  ]

                         A. TITLE DESCRIPTION

                             In everyday life, of course, we all have discouraged from doing an activity or
                             work and of course this will be followed by giving reasons why we discouraged
                             doing the activity or work. We can make the work we postpone as a result or
                             result, and the reason we postpone these activities can be called a cause.
                             It  turns out,  giving reasons  for things  we  can't  do is  something we often do.
                             While making a reason, we must also pay attention to linguistic elements and
                             contextual meanings which are full of moral values contained therein.
                             In  this  module  you  will  be  invited  to  practice  to  be  able  to  apply  social
                             functions,  text  structures  and  linguistic  elements  in  the  form  of  words  that
                             express  cause  and  effect  relationships:  because  of  ...,  due  to  ...,  thanks to  ...,
                             singular and plural nouns with or without a, the, this, those, my, their, etc. Also
                             Speech, word stress, intonation, spelling, punctuation, and handwriting.
                             This  can  help  you  to  be  able  to  compose  oral  and  written  transactional
                             interaction texts that involve the act of giving and asking for information related
                             to  cause  and  effect  relationships,  taking  into  account  social  functions,  text
                             structures, and linguistic elements that are correct and in context.

                         B. MODULE USE INSTRUCTIONS

                             In order for you to master and understand the material in this module well, then
                             read it carefully and follow the instructions below:
                             1.  Study  the  table  of  contents  and  module  positioning  scheme  carefully  and
                             2. Do the questions in the ability check to measure the extent of knowledge you
                             already have.
                             3. Pay attention to the work steps correctly to make it easier to understand a
                             work process.
                             4. Understand each basic material and read carefully. Then do the evaluation
                             questions as a means of practice.
                             5. To answer the formative test, try to give short, clear answers and do it to the
                             best of your ability.
                             6. If there is an assignment, do it well.
                             7. Also read and understand the assessment rubric so you can find out the value
                             you get.
                             After doing the exercises / assignments / questions at the end of each learning
                             activity,  measure  your  ability  by  checking  the  results  of  the  work  using  the

    XI                                                                                                                    BY I PUTU GEDE SATRIYA WIBAWA   Page 6
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