P. 5

Section 4 Language Focus

                        Teacher also ask students to recount their past experiences. For example, the teacher
                        ask the students to recount their last holiday experiences or their activities in the last

                        Independence Day.

                        To recount these past experiences, we need to use Past Simple verbs. The past simple
                        verbs are usually formed by adding ‘d’, ‘ed’, or ‘ied’ to the base verb. Look at the

                        following examples:
                           -  Celebrate + d = celebrated

                           -  Participate + d = participated
                           -  Try = (change the ‘y’ to ‘i’) + ed = tried

                        Many other verbs, however, are irregular. These irregular verbs do not really follow
                        any rules. They need to be learned. See the following examples:

                           -  Win = won
                           -  Make = made

                           -  Hold = held
                        Instruksi untuk Guru

                        Guru kemudian memperlihatkan video percakapan tentang recount past experiences

                        Intruksi pada Buku Siswa

                        Now read the dialogue in section 2 and 3. Identify the regular verbs and irregular
                        verbs. Then write the wods on Worksheet 1.5

                        Intruksi untuk Guru

                          Guru mengajak siswa untuk melihat kembali teks dialogue pada section 2 dan
                            section 3
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