P. 10
Title: The Golden Goose
Orientation: Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a poor farmer
named Jack. He lived with his wife and three children. Every day, Jack went to
the forest to collect wood to sell in the market.
Complication: One day, while Jack was cutting wood in the forest, he saw a
beautiful golden goose. The goose was trapped in a bush and couldn't get out.
Jack decided to help the goose and freed it from the bush. To his surprise, the
goose started talking and said, "Thank you for saving me. As a reward, I will lay
a golden egg for you every day.“
Resolution: Jack was overjoyed and took the goose home. True to its word,
the goose laid a golden egg every day. Jack and his family became rich, but his
wife became greedy. She wanted all the golden eggs at once.
Evaluation: One night, Jack's wife decided to kill the goose and take all the
golden eggs. Jack tried to stop her, but she didn't listen. When she cut open the
goose, she found no eggs inside. The goose was dead, and they lost their
source of wealth.
Jack and his family learned a valuable lesson about greed. They returned to
their simple life, and Jack continued to work hard to provide for his family.
They never forgot the golden goose and the lesson it taught them.