Page 29 - RTF.24 Employee Benefits
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2021 Vision Benefits

                         Anthem Vision Plan

               You have the option to enroll in our group vision plan.  The benefits and your contributions are as

               You are strongly         Benefit                                  In Network    Out-of-Network
               encouraged to use an in-  Routine Eye Exam (once every 12 months)   $20 copay then   $42 Allowance
               network provider to                                              covered in full
               maximize your benefits   Eyeglass Frames (once every 24 months)   $140 allowance   $45 Allowance
                                                                                 then 20% off
               and minimize your out-                                          remaining balance
               of-pocket cost.  To see if   Eyeglass Lenses (one pair every 12 months)
               your provider is in the     •   Standard plastic single vision lenses   $20 copay then   $40 allowance
               network click on            •   Standard plastic bifocal lenses    covered in full   $60 allowance
               Provider Network            •   Stnadard plastic trifocal lenses                  $80 allowance
                                        Eyeglass Lens Upgrades
                                           •    UV Coating                          $15
                                           •    Tint (Solid and Gradient)
               Payment to non-             •    Standard Polycarbonate              $15        Discounts on lens
               network providers will      •             lenses                                  upgrades not
               be based on the             •    Progressive Lenses 1                 $0         available out-of-
               Network fee schedule              •    Premium Tier 1                $26            network
               and could result in               •    Premium Tier 2                $38
                                                     Premium Tier 3
               balance billing.            •    Standard Anti-Reflective Coating 2    $45
                                           •    Premium Tier 1 Anti-Reflective Coating 2    $57
                                           •    Premium Tier 2 Anti-Reflective Coating 2    $68
                                           •    Other Add-ons and Services     20% off retail price
               Those who prefer         Contact Lenses (once every 12 months)
               contact lenses over         •   Elective Conventional Lenses     $140 allowance   $100 allowance
               glasses may receive                                               then 15% off
               contact lenses instead of                                       remaining balance

               eyeglass lenses and         •     Elective Disposable Lenses     $140 allowance   $100 allowance
               receive an allowance                                            (no add’l discount)
               towards the cost of a
               supply of contact lenses.   •   Non-Elective Contact Lenses      Covered in full   $210 allowance

                                        Contact Lenses Fitting and Follow UP
                                           •   Standard contact lens fitting   Member cost up to
                                           •   Premium contact lens fitting     $10% off retail
                                        (limitations apply – see certificate for details)

               Coverage Election                      Monthly            Salaries EE’s        Hourly EE’s
               Employee Only                            $1.90               $0.62                $0.31
               Employee + Spouse                        $3.32               $1.30                $0.65
               Employee + Children                      $3.60               $1.52                $0.76
               Family                                   $5.50               $2.24                $1.12

               For additional plan information, please refer to the detailed plan description provided by the carrier.
               In the event of a discrepancy, the carrier Pan Document shall prevail.
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