Page 21 - QCS.19 SPD - PPO
P. 21

Covered Health Care Service        Network                           Out-of-Network

            Skilled Nursing Facility/Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Services
            Limited to 60 days per
            Calendar Year combined with       deductible then 100%               deductible then 50%
            Residential Treatment Facility limit.

            Surgery - Outpatient Facility
                                               deductible then 100%              deductible then 50%

            Therapeutic Treatments
                                               deductible then 100%              deductible then 50%

            Transplantation Services
            For Network Benefits,              deductible then 100%             Not covered
            transplantation services must be
            received at a Designated Facility.
            We do not require that cornea
            transplants be performed at a
            Designated Facility in order for you
            to receive Network Benefits.
            Note: The transplant network is
            different than the plan provider
            Network. Any transplant services
            outside of the Designated Facilities,
            including PPO providers and
            facilities, are considered out-of-
            network and NOT covered under the
            plan. To ensure Network Benefits,
            you must notify us as soon as
            possibility of a transplant arises and
            before pre-transplantation

            Note: Travel Expenses for a
            transplant are limited to $5,000 per

            Urgent Care Center Services
               Physician                       $100 Copayment** then 100%        deductible then 50%

               Facility                        $100 Copayment** then 100%        deductible then 50%

            *For the above services this means only one Copayment will apply for all covered services rendered by the same
            provider during the same visit, confinement or occurrence.

            **For the above services this means only one Copayment will apply for all covered services rendered during the
            same visit or occurrence.

            ***Emergency ground and air ambulance by an Out-of-Network provider will be considered at the Network benefit

            Page 16                                                                      Section 4 - Schedule of Benefits
                                                                                                       PPO - 2017
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