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begins receiving TAA (or would be eligible to receive TAA but for the requirement that unemployment benefits be
            exhausted) and only during the six months immediately after their group health plan coverage ended.
            If an Employee qualifies or may qualify for assistance under the Trade Act of 1974, he or she should contact the
            Plan Administrator for additional information. The Employee must contact the Plan Administrator promptly after
            qualifying for assistance under the Trade Act of 1974 or the Employee will lose his or her special COBRA rights.
            COBRA coverage elected during the special second election period is not retroactive to the date that Plan
            coverage was lost, but begins on the first day of the special second election period.

            When COBRA Ends

            COBRA coverage will end before the maximum continuation period shown above if:
               ·   you or your covered Dependent becomes covered under another group medical plan,

               ·   you or your covered Dependent becomes entitled to, and enrolls in, Medicare after electing COBRA;
               ·   the first required premium is not paid within 45 days;

               ·   any other monthly premium is not paid within 30 days of its due date;
               ·   the entire Plan ends; or

               ·   coverage would otherwise terminate under the Plan as described in the beginning of this section.
            Note: If you selected continuation coverage under a prior plan which was then replaced by coverage under this
            Plan, continuation coverage will end as scheduled under the prior plan or in accordance with the terminating
            events listed in this section, whichever is earlier.
            Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act

            An Employee who is absent from employment for more than 30 days by reason of service in the Uniformed
            Services may elect to continue Plan coverage for the Employee and the Employee's Dependents in accordance
            with the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994, as amended (USERRA).
            The terms "Uniformed Services" or "Military Service" mean the Armed Forces, the Army National Guard and the
            Air National Guard when engaged in active duty for training, inactive duty training, or full-time National Guard
            duty, the commissioned corps of the Public Health Service, and any other category of persons designated by the
            President in time of war or national emergency.

            If qualified to continue coverage pursuant to the USERRA, Employees may elect to continue coverage under the
            Plan by notifying the Plan Administrator in advance, and providing payment of any required contribution for the
            health coverage. This may include the amount the Plan Administrator normally pays on an Employee's behalf. If
            an Employee's Military Service is for a period of time less than 31 days, the Employee may not be required to pay
            more than the regular contribution amount, if any, for continuation of health coverage.
            An Employee may continue Plan coverage under USERRA for up to the lesser of:

               ·   the 24 month period beginning on the date of the Employee's absence from work; or
               ·   the day after the date on which the Employee fails to apply for, or return to, a position of employment.

            Regardless of whether an Employee continues health coverage, if the Employee returns to a position of
            employment, the Employee's health coverage and that of the Employee's eligible Dependents will be reinstated
            under the Plan. No exclusions or waiting period may be imposed on an Employee or the Employee's eligible
            Dependents in connection with this reinstatement, unless a Sickness or Injury is determined by the Secretary of
            Veterans Affairs to have been incurred in, or aggravated during, the performance of military service.
            You should call the Plan Administrator if you have questions about your rights to continue health coverage under

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