Page 2 - VERIFY the role of early combination
P. 2

Live Webcast Meeting

                                                                 the role of early


                           台北寒舍艾美酒店2F 軒轅廳

              TIME                  TOPIC                                           北

        15:00 - 15:10               Opening

                                    Moderator x ፠̦׼ ᔼࢪ  อΈᔼ৫

        15:10 - 16:00               T2DM management : The importance of Beta cell

                                    Speaker  x Professor  Chantal Mathieu

                                    Moderator x රܔྐྵ ᔼࢪ  ʕʆڝᔼ

        16:00 - 16:30               Discussion  ɧήஹᇞীሞ


        16:30 - 17:10               Findings from the latest evidence into T2DM clin-

                                    ical practice

                                    Speaker  x ˮطʩ ᔼࢪ  ၽɽᔼ৫

                                    Moderator x ፠̦׼ ᔼࢪ  อΈᔼ৫

         17:10 - 17:30              Discussion


        17:30 - 17:35               Closing

                                    Moderator x ፠̦׼ ᔼࢪ  อΈᔼ৫
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