Page 7 - MPJS School Brochure September 2020
P. 7
The End of the Day
The gate to the playground will be opened at 3.15 pm and you are able to wait on the playground
(each year group has a zoned area - map to follow!) for your child – please observe social
distancing guidance.
Children will be dismissed from 3.20 pm, starting with our children who have permission to walk
home on their own and our youngest pupils in Year 3 and Year 4.
We will use a walkie talkie system to get children promptly out to you. Please make an
appointment during the day via the office if you wish to speak to a teacher as we must safely
supervise pupils leaving school as a priority.
Pupils in Y3 and Y4 are not allowed to walk home on their own unless they are with a sibling in Y5
and Y6 and the ‘Walking Home permission form’ has been filled in for all siblings. Please collect
your Infant child first then come round to our playground. Parents will not be allowed to collect
their children from the shared space in front of the two school offices for safety reasons. Gates are
shut at 3.40 pm promptly.
All children are taken to the school office in the event of the appropriate person not being there to
meet them by 3.40 pm. Parents and carers who are late need to sign their pupil out in the ‘Late
Pickup’ book. Parents and carers are requested to ensure their child is collected on time please.
Additionally, if the nominated person to pick up your child is under 16, then you must have
provided written permission for this to take place – this will include a contact mobile number for
Moss Park Junior Breakfast Club
Our Breakfast Club has been running for over ten years. It operates from 8.00 am to 8.50 am and
costs £2.20 per child, per day. Toast and a variety of cereals, juices and a drink are served each
morning. Pupils who are in receipt of the Pupil Premium grant have free places. The children are
closely supervised whilst they eat and then play with toys and games and taken to line up with
their classes at 8.50 am. We also accept Moss Park Infant School children (not Nursery pupils)
who are escorted by staff into the Infant school when the Club ends. At the moment there is no
need to book in advance: just turn up and enjoy!
‘KOOL Kidz’ is an after-school club for both our Junior pupils and the Infant pupils ran in the
adjoining Infant School. Contact numbers: 0161 864 3636 or 07495 921416. Information can also
be obtained from the Moss Park Infant School office.
We use the Teachers2parents text messaging service to communicate quickly and easily. We
also use parentpay for letters & emails – so please ensure that we have an email address for
We comply with government requirements with regard to confidentiality. The files we keep on
children are open to parents. Information from third parties will not be disclosed without their prior
consent. Access to these files may be withheld in certain prescribed cases where there are