Page 27 - GMG FEB RAGHAV PowerPoint Presentation
P. 27

Effective mentoring to include “the ability and willingness on part of the mentor to
     •value the mentee as a person;
     •develop mutual trust and respect;
     •maintain confidentiality;

     •listen both to what is being said and how it is being said;
     •help the mentee solve his or her own problem, rather than give direction;
     •Focus on the mentee’s development and resist the urge to produce a clone.”
     The Mentee is the student who needs to absorb the mentor’s knowledge and have the
     ambition and desire to know what to do with this knowledge. As a student, the mentee
     needs to practice and demonstrate what has been learned.
     1.Youth from India aspiring to study abroad at post-graduate level
     2.Post Graduate, Doctoral and Post Doctoral students for selection of stream, subject
     and also for getting internships, getting research opportunities etc.
     3.Young entrepreneurs , Founders, Promoters of ‘Startups’

     4.Individuals wishing to explore opportunities in India to study, Startups, collaborations,
     social entrepreneurship and community work.
     Mentee must show
     1.Eagerness to learn, admission
     2.Ability and willingness to work as a team player
     4.Readiness to take risk
     5.Positive attitude

     Work Model
     Key factors
     •Mentee Enrollment – By application.
     •Mentor : By invitation
     •Mentoring style: Traditional 1:1 or 1:2.
     1.GMG will invite experts from various fields to join “Panel of Mentors’. We shall load
     their short profiles and audio/Video message on the website under ‘Panel of Mentor’
     2.We shall invite the applications from Mentees and those will be forwarded to related
     ‘mentor’ for consideration.
     3.Mentor is expected to devote not more than one hour per month per mentee or
     group on mentees.

     4.The mentoring can be done in 1:1 meeting, over phone, Video call or via email. GMG
     will provide tools for mentoring sessions , arrange conference calls
     5.The mentee needs to practice and demonstrate what has been learned.
     6.Mentee will maintain minutes of the mentoring session and record of progress. This
     will be shared with Mentor and GMG. Nothing will be shared on open media without
     permission of all three.
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