Page 3 - GMG FEB RAGHAV PowerPoint Presentation
P. 3

1. Full-time MBA at Frankfurt School:

            My Reflections – Akshay Joshi

      Congratulations! – The fact that you’ve stumbled upon this blog, is a

      testament to your efforts to venture beyond the comfort bubble and try to
      carve out a niche for yourself. Every MBA story and thereby the overarching

      professional quest is a highly tailored chronicle and thus does not offer a

      blanket “formula” for success. Moreover, to encapsulate all the learnings

      garnered over a larger part of a decade in a short blog seems nothing short
      of a herculean task! Well, come to think of it, it rather seems an apt task for

      a Full-time MBA grad – parse through the clutter, boil down to the key

      “lessons learnt” and present them in a simple, succinct format…

      As I look back over the years, I can consolidate the whole experience into 3

      distinct buckets which I will further explain below:

      Know yourself

      Though it is always said (and rightly so) that you should come to an MBA

      programme with an open mind – helping you broaden your horizon with the
      experiences you garner over the period thereby making you cognizant of

      diverse opportunities that you may pursue – it is also important to have a

      pensive understanding about oneself AND have a certain set of broad goals
      in mind. Though you may change your industry/business function OR take a

      completely different direction, having certain guidelines will prevent you

      from wandering astray.

      For me, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management was the only business
      school that I applied to in Germany – It provided the required blend of

      exposure in – finance, general management, and technology – that I was
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