Page 34 - First cut
P. 34

From the time I can remember, I have admired
            my father, cant remember why, but I have been
            his biggest fan always. He has been strict to all
            of us, never showered us with affection, doesn’t
            believe in public display of affection, was very
            conventional in his way and thoughts. He is a
            self made man, born to a very poor family in
            a remote village in Tamilnadu with hardwork
            and  preservation,  he  had  slowly  climbed  up
            the social ladder and I believe his journey was
            anything but easy.
            One of my earliest childhood memories. I
            must have been 3 or 4 then my father used to
            work at a different place then and was staying
            about two hours away from us. He used to take
            a train every weekend to come and visit us.
            On each day  that  he  was supposed  to  visit,
            I used to climb the stairs and sit by the side     his grip. None of the teeming crowd around me
            of our tallest window, from where I could see      found anything amiss and I was too shocked to
            each person  passing by. And as soon as I saw      even raise my voice.
            his  familiar  figure  coming  down  the  road,
            carrying  his suitcase and  walking briskly, I     What happened next was beyond my wildest
            would run down shouting “Appa  Varunnu”            of imaginations. My father who always been a
            and gleefully go and greet him by the gate. I      gentle man, and who never raises his voice even
            can still remember with clarity these episodes     at any one, who was not even in the best of his
            which  used to  repeat  almost  every weekend.     health, and was small and trail when compared
            Invariably, I could be seen hugging his legs and   to this man, he caught this man giant by his
            crying as he got ready to leave.                   collar, pushed him down and brought him to
            Slowly I outgrew  these  tantrums. But I  have     his knees. I saw fury in my father’s eyes like
                                                               never before and it looks could kill probably
            been my fathers girl at heart, and I guess I still   the man couldn’t have escaped alive.
            am my father and I we share a peculiar bond,
            we are never  vocal about our  love. We don’t      In the class that ensured, the man escaped into
            even speak to each other daily or regularly. But   the  crowd,  we  somehow  pacified  my  father
            I know he is there for me and will be there for    and all of us were bundled back to the safety
            me always and forever.                             of our home.
            Another memory etched in my mind. I was 16         Even now, recollecting this incident gives me
            or 17 then, studying predegree at SN Womens        goose  thumps of sort. I believe  A father is
            college. We divided to go for a flower festival    almost  even  little  girls  first  superhero  once
            in Kollam that day. Being a holiday, the ground    again, on  that eventful day by belief  was re
            was crowded that day. I have  always had this      confirmed. No matter what, my father would
            tendency  to day dream and  wonder around          have my back and he would defend me against
            thinking random thoughts. That day too, I was      the demons of  this  world.  That belief  was
            walking around, admiring the flowers and lose      important to me than and later on too, as it has
            in my own world, and hadn’t noticed that in        helped me overcome man trial & tribulation.
            the  process  I had  separated myself  from  my    I think I could go on & on trilling out random
            family.                                            memories from my mind library. But due to

            I was shocked out of my reverie when someone       lack of space of time, I will stop here. Any one
            roughly grabbled me from behind.  Twisting         of you who has reached till here reading this
            around  I  saw  a  grown  man,  giant  like  in    first  attempt  of  mine,  I  would  like  to  really
            proportions, and I couldn’t free myself from       thank you for your patience with lots of love.

                        2K1 MBBS, Trivandrum Medical College
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