Page 2 - July on-line VV_Neat
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Vacancy Parish Councillor
Would you like to assist in making decisions that affect your community? If so why not apply to become a Parish Councillor.
Expressions of interest must be received in writing to the Clerk by 24th July. To find out what’s involved and for any other
information please contact: The Clerk, Mrs Wendy Licence, 14 Trapfield Close, Bearsted, ME14 4HT or email:
Anti Social Behaviour
Report on line
Community Warden Georgina Springall 07969 583921
Police Community Support Officer John Cork 07772226217
Crimestoppers Call 0800 555 111
Call your local Police 101 in and emergency always call 999
Community Hub
A group of volunteers have kindly established this to offer help for those whose health could be severely affected by Covid-19
and need to self-isolate for at least 12 weeks. They hope this will also support those without the serious health issues but who
have to self-isolate and have no friends, family or network to support them.
Support offered by the hub may be:
l a friendly, regular call to check and prevent loneliness/solation as much as possible
l picking up urgent items such as food or medical supplies
If anyone in Newington needs this, they should call or text 07494 729655 or email . Details will
be taken and they will try to source a volunteer to assist.
Parish Council meetings
The Parish Council continues to operate and Councillors continue to work hard
on behalf of residents. Currently all public meetings are suspended and we are
holding our meetings by conference call. The next meeting via zoom is the Amenities
committee on Tuesday July 21st at 7.00pm, and the next full council meeting is on
Tuesday 28th of July. The public are welcome to attend and ask questions during our
ten minute agenda slot. For details on how to attend please contact: The Clerk, Mrs
Wendy Licence, email:
Parish Council Website
The Parish Council website contains information about the Council and its meetings. There is a planning tracker which gives
up to date information on planning applications in the village. The site is full of useful information and you can also sign up
for email alerts. Details of village organisations are available and if you would like details of your group to be included
please contact the Clerk.
Get updates on the gas main roadworks on the A2 whenever the Parish Council receives new information
Play tender
As you may be aware, Newington Parish Council’s procurement of new equipment for the play area on the Rec was postponed
due to the Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic. We are happy to announce that this tendering process will begin afresh towards
the end of June. Whilst timescales have unavoidably been pushed back, we hope to have the new equipment installed by early
in the new year.
Newington School
Socially Distanced Sports Day