Page 27 - Western Diocese Annual 2023
P. 27

  Knezevic, a longtime member of the San Francisco Opera accompanied on piano by Alex Katzman, musical director of the Livermore opera.
Gallery guests were also honored to hear Dosto- evsky scholar, Dr. Victoria Frede-Montemayor, as- sociate Professor of Russian literature and history at University of California, Berkeley. She emphasized why Dostoevsky remains important, not as a histori- cal figure, but as a writer we keep coming back to. “There is something about the way one reads Dosto- evsky that makes the interaction uniquely rich and productive. Dostoevsky remains so important after
200 years: reading him is an intense experience, and not just because his characters are deep, or his style is sophisticated, or the plots are well-constructed; it’s because of the way our minds work while we are reading. Dostoevsky challenges us, because in a unique and subtle way, we learn new things about ourselves.”
This unique charitable event was hosted by three Serbian Bay Area Parishes and sponsored by Fr. Wil- liam and Maryann Weir. Event volunteers showed unmatched enthusiasm, deserving only words of gratitude and appreciation.

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