Page 29 - Western Diocese Annual 2023
P. 29

  Malena Adzich was the chair of this year’s Kolo Slava. She did a great job of planning and organizing a beautiful and memorable event.
Malena was the Kolo President for five years, and we will miss her beautiful spirit, smile and dedica- tion to our Kolo and to our church. We wish you the very best as you follow your heart and calling... God Bless you.
On behalf of the Kolo and himself, Fr. Vido, pre- sented to Malena a beautiful, handpainted Icon of St. Archangel Michael, thanking her for all that she has done for our parish and wishing her well for her spiritual way of salvation.
Malena will soon join the Holy Theotokos the Life Giving Spring Monastery, Dunlap, CA with the wish to become a nun and fully serve Christ and His Church.
This Slava celebration will be remembered as one of the most beautiful Kolo Slava celebrations through the presence of Bishop Maxim and many parish members who celebrated our wonderful Kolo sisters and their Slava.
May our Lord and God grant our Kolo a bright future with the intercessions of the Most Holy The- otokos and Ever Virgin Mary who is the Patron Saint of our Kolo! Na mnogaja ljeta!

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