Page 31 - Western Diocese Annual 2023
P. 31

 Preonas; and high school senior Lauren Marco, who represented the youth of the parish for achiev- ing the highest attendance in lit- urgy and Sunday school.
In his remarks, Fr. Nick also reflected on the lessons we all learn from the saints “so that like them, we can remain faithful to who we are as the Church: people of Faith, Tradition, Culture and Family. Our foundation here is strong, fortified by the many sac- rifices of our fore-bearers and the
present active and engaged par- ticipation of all today makes our mission and our vision clear. Each one of us as the Church must do our best, stand strong, stand cou- rageous, stand up for truth so that these priorities of faith, tradition, culture and family are front and center in our life and society, con- trary to those who may believe them to be otherwise or even as some today sadly and mistakenly think ‘dangerous.’” Concluding his remarks he commended ev-
eryone, encouraged everyone and blessed everyone for all that lies ahead, stating, “our future is radi- ant and watching all of you wor- shiping and working together each Sunday and each feast day tells me that our prospects ahead as a parish are very bright in- deed!” Everyone in attendance shared in adding this day to the other blessed Cathedral Patron Feast Day-Slava celebrations of our Cathedral!

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