Page 33 - Western Diocese Annual 2023
P. 33

age where there will be no more enemies and no rea- son for us to hate anyone. The Lord offers us the logic of the future age and invites us to do that in this life!“
The Slava Litija followed the Prayer before the Ambon as the Cross-bearers, banner-holders, the clergy, Slava kumovi and faithful processed in prayerful jubilation around the church. The litija concluded at the entrance of the church where the bishop blessed the Slava kolach and wheat offered by this year’s kumovi Stevo, Maja and Simona Jovanic.
Following church services the day’s celebration continued in the main church hall where the Avala Folklore Ensemble and children from the Church
School program performed during the program. Also, during the program, parishioners Vasilija Seka Hrnjak and Milan Tankosic were awarded the Epis- copal Gramata by Bishop Maxim upon the recom- mendation of the parish priest for their many years of dedicated service to their St. Petka parish.
In keeping with tradition handed down to us, this year’s kum Stevo Jovanic presented a third of the Slava Kolach to Mihajlo Lukic who together with his family accepted the role of Slava kumovi for next year.
Music, dancing and fellowship continued through- out the day.

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