Page 30 - Western Diocese Annual 2023
P. 30

Cathedral Slava
in Alhambra, California
 The feast day observance of the Cathedral’s Patron, Saint Steven the First-
crowned/Simon the Monk, was joyfully celebrated on Sunday, October 2, 2022. Following Mat- ins, His Grace, Bishop Maxim celebrated the Divine Liturgy with Cathedral Dean, Fr. Nicho- las Ceko, and Deacon Paul Ger- main who was visiting from San Diego. At the conclusion of the Liturgy, the entire congregation
went in procession around the church, pausing first to offer me- morial prayers for the departed founders and benefactors, the clergy and faithful of the Cathe- dral who have reposed in the Lord. The procession concluded with the traditional blessing of the festal bread which was pre- pared by Duska Cvejic and the wheat prepared by Protinica San- dra Ceko. Everyone then pro- ceeded into the Social hall for a
delicious banquet prepared by our Women’s Auxiliary and an entertaining program which fea- tured our Cathedral youth danc- ers. Cathedral 1st Vice-President Dushan Pavichevich welcomed everyone and introduced the pro- gram. Fr. Nick and Executive Board President Kathryn Olaiz shared the podium to introduce and honor the three generations of kumovi for 2022: Maria Pincu, Emilija Popa; Stephen and Milica

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