Page 44 - Western Diocese Annual 2023
P. 44

ich ingenious idea of photographing the small scale icons and projecting photographic slides onto craft paper proved to be an incredible time and cost sav- ing method.
Father Petakovich was the driving visionary force behind the enormous building project of the new St. George church. He also was instrumental in raising much of the money for the approximately $250.000 investment. Since the undertaking left the congregation nearly bankrupt at times and in order to alleviate the church of the financial burden to pay his salary, Father Petakovich volunteered to forgo his church salary and worked for five years in the Administrative Services Department of First Na- tional Bank, while at the same time raising his fam- ily and carrying on his church duties, often putting in 18-hour days traveling to all 50 bank branches ex- tending 200 miles north to Ventura County.
In recognition for all his dedicated works and sacrifice, His Grace Bishop Irinej awarded Father Petakovich with the Red Sash, elevation to the Pro- topresbyter-stavrophor (a pectoral cross) on June 1, 1986.
Father Petakovich participated in many religious, civic and social activities in San Diego. In honor of his years of dedicated service to both church and community at large, many honors were bestowed upon him including an award from the Freedom’s Foundation at Valley Forge for outstanding achieve- ment in bringing about a better understanding of the American way of life and a medal for American- ism from the Daughters of the American Revolu- tion, an award given only to naturalized citizens. He was also given honor certificates from the USA 1976 Bi-Centennial Committee, Ecumenical Council,
National Council of Christians and Jews, and the US Navy and Marines for his five years’ of service as chaplain at Camp Pendleton’s Holy Trinity Ortho- dox Chapel. City of San Diego Mayor Pete Wilson (later Senator, Governor and US Presidential candi- date) proclaimed Sunday, November 26, 1978, “Fr. Velimir Petakovich Day”, in recognition of his de- voted and distinguished service to the community. Proclaiming, WHEREAS, Father Petakovich has made outstanding contributions to the cultural heri- tage of the Serbian community of San Diego and WHEREAS, Father Petakovich has given to the citi- zens of San Diego one of the few churches in the world that is fully completed in mosaic tile.
At the request of parishioners and blessing of Bishop Irinej, Father Petakovich also served as the first parish priest of St Petka Church in San Marcos from 1986-1987. With his experience knowledge and talent, he shepherded the newly established parish in building the beautiful St. Petka Church. Father Petakovich also dutifully served the church as Bish- op’s Deputy of Western American Diocese. In that capacity, he was an active member of many church committees and organizations at the national level. Father Petakovich was also a benefactor for the Cha- pel at the Theological Seminary in Belgrade, Serbia.
The Serbian Orthodox Church and the parishio- ners of St. George Church will most remember Fa- ther Petakovich for the faith, enthusiasm, artistic and historic sensibilities, and unparalleled ingenuity with which he led a small and humble congregation from its displacement in North Park to the magnifi- cent present day’s commanding location above Mis- sion Bay, and for the sacrifices of time and energy he and his family made to finish the task.

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