Page 52 - Western Diocese Annual 2023
P. 52

wheat to be blessed for their Slava: of Miloš Mike Rice, of Lazar Lar- ry Angier, and of Deacon Sera- phim. Namely, he called and as- ked if he could adopt this blessed Serbian tradition, since he and his wife love it. Saint Sebastian was instrumental for the two of them becoming Orthodox Christian, though of Spanish and Italian de- scents, respectively, so they even chose to be married in Jackson’s church by their parish priest a few years ago. This was their very first Slava and everybody wished them and their posterity many more. At the conclusion of the Divine Lit- urgy, their parish priest, proto- presbyter Paul Volmensky (who also adopted this blessed tradi- tion, choosing Holy King Lazar of Kosovo as his family’s patron saint) arrived as soon as his pasto- ral responsibilities allowed him. Romanian parents brought again their son Sebastian, who is grow- ing into a big boy.
After two earlier big events in Jackson this year, the Diocesan Assembly and the Argonaut Mine Disaster Centennial, these festivi- ties at the conclusion of the year
were not promoted or advertised anywhere except through the par- ish emailing list. Yet, Saint Sebas- tian, the great missionary as he was and is, gentle and unimpos- ing, has his ways of calling people to his church and feast. Although it was Wednesday, a work day, the church and later the hall was full with over seventy people, of Na- tive American, South American, African, Asian and European de- scent, of all races and ethnic back- grounds. It was especially inter- esting to speak with a lady who is an Orthodox Christian from Great Britain, as well as with a
young man who is an Orthodox Christian from China. Again and again we were able to witness that only our Lord, Redeemer and Savior Jesus Christ is able to unite and make one the people that are different in so many worldly as- pects. It was a special treat to see again an American family from Modesto, who had visited us about a year ago. At that time, be- ing tired of heated political fights in the midst of the pandemic, they started considering leaving Ame- rica for one year. As they were re- searching on internet what a peaceful country they could pos-

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