Page 54 - Western Diocese Annual 2023
P. 54

phen’s Cathedral in Alhambra, at the Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church (OCA) in Portland, Ore- gon, at the All Saints of North America Orthodox Church (OCA) in Albuquerque, New Me- xico, and at the Saint Sebastian and Mardarije Chapel, established in 2015 and attached to the Holy Apostles Bartholomew and Barn- abas Church in Rakovica, near Belgrade, Serbia.
Our Bishop Maxim was able to join us on Friday evening, after serving a funeral in Los Angeles. On Saturday, we first had a joint
management committee meeting at the Saint Sava Mission. On the eve of the feast of the Presentation of the Most Holy Mother of God to the Temple, Vespers was served at the church, with sounds of heavy rain coming from outside and of a beautiful, medieval Ser- bian chant that Vladika used for this special occasion. The Vespers was followed by dinner with dear guests from Los Angeles and Sac- ramento, a treat of the Wier fam- ily.
Sunday morning started with dark clouds, heavy rain and birds
flying around the church dome. The nave was again filled with people. The new hierarchical staff, made out of wood by the local artist Paul “Skip” Sharp, who also made the reliquary for Saint Se- bastian’s relics and many other beautiful wooden items in our church, was presented to our Bishop. Before the Divine Liturgy started and after the Bishop vest- ed, four dedicated and reliable men were tonsured readers: Rich- ard Broderson, Mihailo “Michael” Tarbat, Solomon “Robert” Ting- ley and Miloš “Michael” Rice. Then Pavlos “Paul, PJ” Karnaze, who had served as a reader for seven years, was made a subdea- con. The Divine Liturgy started and all these men were assisting the Bishop and two protopresby- ters who served with him, Wil- liam “Bill” Wier of Fair Oaks and Stevan Tumbas of Jackson, both retired, together with the parish priest and deacon.
As we were receiving grace up- on grace from Christ’s fullness (Jn 1:16), on this holy and festive day when our church was consecrated 128 years ago, at the Small En- trance our Deacon Dragan was elevated to the protodeaconate. He has served God’s Holy Church

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