Page 55 - Western Diocese Annual 2023
P. 55

 his whole life—a child of immi- grants from the former Yugosla- via, late father Dragutin from Vranje, Serbia, and mother Mari- ca from Rakovica village (Dubica County, under Kozara) in Bosnia (who now lives in Florida), a 6-year-old wounded survivor of the infamous WW2 Jasenovac concentration camp (but her fa- ther Djuro and her six uncles— two from the father’s and four from the mother’s side—were murdered), he was born in East Liverpool, Ohio, and raised in Midland, Pennsylvania, at Saint George Serbian Orthodox church. Later, he moved to Texas, first to Freeport and then to Houston, worked as an electrical engineer and served as the president of the parish council of the newly estab- lished parish of Saint Sava in Houston. He met there and mar- ried a very gracious lady of British descent, Victoria, at the second oldest Serbian parish in North America, Saint Constantine and Helen in Galveston. They raised two children, Nicholas and Chris- tina. While the children were still growing, they moved to Jackson, California, about twenty years ago. One of the main reasons Pro- todeacon Dragan was willing to accept the job offer in Jackson was our historic church. In Jackson he served as a reader and parish council president, and then was ordained a deacon in 2014 on the day of the repose of Saint Sebas- tian. Although he still works for the local electrical company, he has been very diligent, devout and obedient in his diaconal service. In addition to his liturgical re- sponsibilities, he makes prospho- ra for weekday liturgies, he is the parish financial secretary and he serves with our Bishop whenever and wherever he serves in the re- gion: Carson City, Jackson, Fres-
no, Sacramento, Moraga, Sarato- ga... Bishop Maxim added that Protodeacon Dragan is a man full of love and grace, who serves with a beautiful voice and confidence. Upon reading of the prayer, he in- herited late Protodeacon Triva’s beautiful blue orarion made in Australia, and Father Bill, once a protodeacon himself, presented to him his beautiful red orarion.
The Holy Communion line al- most felt unending, offering to us a glimpse of the Age to Come. One kolač and žito was blessed for the Diocesan KSS and Saint Se- bastian Press and the other for the Parish Founders and Parish Brotherhood, with popadija Bil- jana Bojović being the kuma of the former and reader Miloš Rice, the Saint Sebastian Brotherhood President, being the kum of the latter. As we were exiting the church, the abundance of the grace of God removed even the rainy clouds and blessed us with a beautiful, calm, sunny afternoon. The traditional Bokeljski Bakalar meal was prepared by Marko and Audrie Petricevich, guided by the 94-year-old Danica Milosovich. During the delicious meal and joyous fellowship Protodeacon Dragan, asked by the Bishop to offer a few words, thanked every-
body saying that the essential as- pect of our Church, our way of life and the constituent of our identi- ty—synodality, has been reaf- firmed before our eyes by the vir- tue of different charismata being granted to us. Thanks be to our Patrons for these wonderful and grace-filled festivities and glory be to our good and loving God for all things!

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