Page 62 - Western Diocese Annual 2023
P. 62

  heart will help us see that. The icon guides us to our neighbor. We celebrate icons, we kiss them, yet, during the service all around us are those who are created in the image of God. The icon re- minds and guides us to the real- ization that in our neighbor we will see our celebration. The icons represent what we will be, the saints overcame their human na- ture and weaknesses, and elevated their lives living in Christ. The power of Christ is shown in weak- ness; thus, our proof is not in our
demonstration of words but in icons, in saints. Everything in the Church points to the future, un- like photographs that point to the past, the icon reveals the future, by damaging your icon, you are damaging your future. By cele- brating this feast, we do not only honor the past, but celebrate the present and the future.” Bishop Maxim concluded his sermon with prayers for all to gain a pure heart like Nathaniel and respect icons that teach us to worship God and respect our neighbor.
Furthermore, he thanked His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasi- mos of San Francisco for his bless- ing to serve at the St. Paul Church, Fr. Steven and his Church mem- bers for organizing the Pan-Or- thodox Vespers, and the present priests and the faithful who cele- brated together with His Grace the triumph of Orthodoxy.
Following the Vesper service, the St. Paul community gracious- ly invited all present to partake in prepared dinner and fellowship.

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