Page 64 - Western Diocese Annual 2023
P. 64

 His Grace Bishop Maxim visited the faithful com- munities in the Colorado
Springs and Denver area. On a cold morning of March 18th, His Grace arrived at Colorado Springs OCA Church of Holy Theophany where he was greeted by children, people, and Fr. Radovan Petrovic. Divine Liturgy was served by His Grace with the assistance from Fr. Radovan. After the Gospel read- ing, His Grace reiterated the im- portance of following Christ, say- ing that Our Lord and Savior is a physician of soul and body, He came to this world to save sinners. During the Liturgy many faithful received Holy Mysteries from the common cup. Following Liturgy, lunch was served. Fr. Radovan, who administers and serves the small community of Col. Springs, offered words of welcome to His Grace Bishop Maxim, while also sharing his gratitude to Fr. An-
thony Karbo, the rector of
Holy Theophany Church,
for his continued support
for the Serbian communi-
ty in Col. Springs. As time
for evening prayer ap- proached, people began to
gather at the St. John the
Baptist Serbian Orthodox Church in Lakewood for vesperal service and to welcome their spiritual fa-
ther Bishop Maxim. At
the end of the vespers, the
Holy and Life-Giving
Cross of Our Lord was
placed in the middle of the church for veneration. Bishop Maxim re- minded all that we are in the mid- dle of the fast and that the Cross is being presented to us so that we may draw needed energy to con- tinue our Lenten journey. Dinner followed the vespers service.
On the following Sunday – The Sunday of The Holy and Life-Giv- ing Cross – His Grace arrived at the Church filled with people and children. Our young- est greeted His Grace with a loud shout of “good morning Vla- diko.” Festive Divine Liturgy began with everybody singing and praying in one accord with His Grace. Bishop Maxim greeted everybody
and spoke about the Gospel read- ing that reminds us all about the Cross. The Cross is an inspiration and power for those who believe in it. The Cross is here to remind all that Christ embraced the cru- cifixion voluntarily, He became one with the Cross. There is a spe- cial place for the Cross in the Kingdom of Heaven and the Cross has a special place in our lives as well. Christ took up His cross voluntarily and we should without complaint embrace our crosses as well. Following the Lit- urgy, a meal was served in the Church hall where the faithful people joined His Grace and shared their joy about the fact that He was with us. At the conclusion of lunch, the President of the Par- ish Council and Fr. Radovan pre- sented donations to His Grace made to the Western American Diocese and St. Sava camp.
Episcopal Visit – Sunday of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross in Denver, Colorado

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