Page 69 - Western Diocese Annual 2023
P. 69

 William Weir and Protodeacon Dragan Stojanovic. Assisting in the Sanctuary were Reader, Vadim, from the Church of the Ascension, newly tonsured Reader, Gregory, and Artem Rudko.
The words spoken by Vladika in his thoughtful Sermon dealt with St. Mary of Egypt whom we re- member the 5th Sunday of Great Lent every year. He stressed how she had lived a sinful life until she was imbued with the knowledge of Jesus Christ and His love for us. Once she repented, she hid from the world for the next 47 years of her life. She fled from her past and went to the desert to live out her earthly life. She dedicated herself to internal cleansing and repentance of her past. She did nothing for glory. She wrote noth- ing for us to read. She left all her family and ‘friends’. However, by dedicating herself to Jesus Christ, she became a champion on repentance. Today, the entire Orthodox Church all over the world remembers this quiet woman who told her story to ONE person on earth, yet, she is known by millions today and all those who have already gone to Our Heavenly Father. She is our champion on repentance. May we all learn from her example.
As we entered our Hall, we saw the wonderful decorations offered by Protinica Milica Popovic.
The tables were artfully decorated with flowers and rosemary stems from the gardens by the parish home. A tasty Lenten meal was offered by Zorana Petrovic, KSS President, and Ljubica Kostich.
As the joyful atmosphere in our hall continued throughout the meal, a special kindness by Vladika Maxim was quietly offered. Our young people were encouraged to get a blessing from Vladika. As they received the blessing a small cross encased in a lovely heart shaped box was placed in the palm of their hands. The surprise and pleasure which appeared on their faces was truly a beautiful sight. His gracious- ness is sincerely appreciated. May God Grant our Be- loved Vladika Many Years.
A grateful thanks to ALL who helped set up, serve food and clean up. The spirit of assistance was won- derful to witness. May each person who assisted know their name is written in God’s Book of Life.
As we say Thank You to ALL, we especially want to Thank the two people who bless us each time Divine Liturgy is served, our own Fr. Dane and Fr. William. May God Grant Them Many Years.

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