Page 70 - Western Diocese Annual 2023
P. 70

Great & Holy Pascha
in Alhambra, California
O CHRIST IS RISEN! Христос Васкрсе!
n Great and Holy Pascha, Sunday, April 16, 2023, at Saint Steven’s Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Alhambra, California, His Grace Bishop Maxim, together with V. Rev. Nicholas Ceko, Cathedral Dean, Hieromonk Vasilije Gavrilovic, Rev. Vladan Radovanovic,
and the Orthodox faithful celebrated Matins at 11:30 pm on Saturday followed by the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at midnight!
At 11:00 am the Agape (vesper service) of Pascha was held with the read- ing of the Gospel in five languages as well as the Paschal Encyclical of Patri- arch Porfirije. A beautiful banquet and barbecue followed with an afternoon of fellowship and live music.

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