Page 72 - Western Diocese Annual 2023
P. 72

Bright Tuesday Liturgy
at Monastery
in Escondido, California
Per the established tradition in the Serbian Or- thodox Diocese of Western American, the Pre- sentation of the Lord Monastery in Escondido,
located in North San Diego County, hosts a eucharis- tic, Paschal gathering each year on Bright Tuesday. Serving the liturgy this year, with the blessing of His Grace Bishop Maxim of Western America this year’s event, held Tuesday, April 18, 2023, were V. Rev. Stav-
rophor Bratislav Krsic, V. Rev. Stavrophor Milovan Katanic, V. Rev. Blasko Paraklis, Rev. Hieromonk Vasilije Gavrilovic and Rev. Vladan Radovanovic.
The afternoon brought a continuation of celebra- tion through fellowship and the sharing of a delicious meal out in the beautiful surroundings of the monas- tery.

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