Page 74 - Western Diocese Annual 2023
P. 74

 His Grace Bishop Maxim of the Western American di- ocese served Hierarchical
Divine Liturgy in the church of St. George the Great-Martyr, San Di- ego, on the occasion of the church Slava on the fourth Sunday of Pas- cha, May 7.
Concelebrants at the Liturgy were protopresbyter-stavrophor Bratislav Kršić, protopresbyter- stavrophor Milovan Katanić from Saint Petka parish, San Marcos, protodeacon Paul Germain, dea- con David Williams, and with many faithful people.
After the Matins, the Hierarchi- cal Divine Liturgy was served. During his homily, Bishop Maxim wished blessed days of the Holy Resurrection of Christ, reminding his listeners that the healed man from the Gospel pericope found
out who healed him only in the temple where he came to thank the Lord for the miracle done for him. This fact tells us to be grateful and that it is in the Church that our knowledge culminates, i.e. union with Christ, and our healing, and we come to the temple to thank the Lord for His blessings and there we receive the same.
During the Liturgy, Bishop Maxim, the clergy and the faithful prayed wholeheartedly to the Lord for the salvation of the people, that the Lord visits the temple with His grace, for the repose of the souls of those who fell asleep in the Lord, forefathers, fathers and brother priests, ktitors, donors and found- ers of the temple, newly martyred children and people in Serbia, and all fallen asleep, Orthodox Chris- tians.
A celebratory lunch and agape meal followed the Liturgy. Teacher Milanka Lehman, together with the children from Sunday school class, sang the song of hope and resurrection. The hardworking sis- ters of the parish, with Snežana Pantović, once again proved their love as myrrhbearers through their hard and dedicated work. Congrat- ulations to our Slava kumovi, read- er Aleksandar and Professor Jelena with their son Andreja Bradić. The Kumovi next year will be Vladimir and Ivana Kezić with their chil- dren. At the end of the Slava ban- quet, hieromonk Vasilije Gavrilović joined the celebration. Many years to everyone and may God’s bless- ing through the prayers of the holy great-martyr George be with us all.
San Diego Church Patronal Feast Day

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