Page 79 - Western Diocese Annual 2023
P. 79

Summer Pascha
in Eugene, Oregon
The Celebration of Parish Slava for St. John the Wonderworker Serbian Orthodox Church, Eugene, Oregon
Summer has arrived in Eugene, and with it comes the celebration of a second Pascha. Only the joy
of Pascha can eclipse the joy of a parish Slava, where a community celebrates the heavenly glory of their own patron, their own personal intercessor. This blessing is confirmed and further ac- centuated when it is conjoined with a hierarchical visit.
This year the parish of St. John the Wonderworker was honored with this double blessing. The joy of Slava began on Friday evening with a full Vigil in honor of St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco. The next morning July 1st, the excited expectations of the parish faithful were fulfilled with the arrival of

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