Page 81 - Western Diocese Annual 2023
P. 81

Kolo Srpskih Sestara Slava
in Portland, Oregon
This year’s celebration of the Circle of Serbian Sisters at the parish of St. Stephen’s
Church in Portland was celebrated on Sunday, July 2, with the Holy Hierarchical Liturgy. Liturgy was served by His Grace Bishop Maxim with the concelebration of the cler- gy. KSS celebrates their slava Saint Anastasia of Serbia, who gathers us every year.
The parishioners and the priests met Bishop Maxim in front of the church and went together to the church where we offered a Eucha- rist to God led by our Bishop. The Holy Gospel about the great faith
of the captain was commented by Bishop Maxim in his inspiring ser- mon to those gathered at Liturgy. The youngest received Holy Com- munion and then the other parish- ioners who received the Body and Blood of the Lord for health and salvation!
During the Holy Liturgy, a piece of the relics of St. Nikolaj Žički was inside the church, thank- ing to Father Siniša Milutinović, the parish priest at the Church of Archangel Michael in Vancouver (Canada), who made the effort to bring these relics and to concele- brate with us at the Divine Liturgy.

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