Page 82 - Western Diocese Annual 2023
P. 82

 At the end of the service, Bishop Maxim greeted the faithful and thanked Father John Suvak, parish priest from Eugene, Father Siniša Milutinovic from Vancouver, Dea- con Steven Dyer from Eugene and Father Jovan Katanic from Port- land for their concelebration. The Bishop then invited the faithful to venerate the relics and receive the
The slava kolach was blessed by
Bishop Maxim in the church hall before slava lunch and broken with the slava kuma Dragana Živović, who accepted this beautiful duty with her family. One of the charac- teristics of our people is the hospi- tality that we try to maintain even in the diaspora. In the Orthodox
community in Portland, there is always a desire to prepare, wel- come and see off with love.
A sunny and warm July day welcomed this holiday. It remains a memory of a wonderful gathering with gratitude to God for every- thing and everyone who partici- pated in the joy of the church in Portland with their presence!

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