Page 83 - Western Diocese Annual 2023
P. 83

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Your Gift!
OrthoPrax is the modern Christian resource, Church calendar, prayer book, and collection of read- ing, designed to help you explore your faith and enjoy the liturgical cycle of the Church.
Professionally narrated and enhanced by a rich multimedia content from the famed Prologue of Ohrid (lives of the saints), it all comes to life on your mobile device, within a professionally designed and functional application centered around the user experience.
Main Features:
• Energy friendly, with the system dark mode sup- ported
• 3,500+ high quality images of saints
• 2,300+ of audio files
• Adjustable background based on the faith and artis-
tic preferences
• Calendar with an easily recognizable feast and fast
• Easy and prominent fast day markings
• Constantly updated with saints/prayers/readings • In-app purchase for the reach multimedia content

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