Page 87 - Western Diocese Annual 2023
P. 87

 Before the wine is produced, it is neces- sary to select the base of the blend as well as the level of sweetness. For this undertaking, Rick’s capable team of oenologists (scientists who make wine) or vintners, carefully pre- pare samples for His Grace Bishop Maxim and the clergy who visit Opolo. After prayer and the reflection of offering the fruits of our labor to God, they taste wine and determine the right level of blend for the forthcoming vintage. The first vintage of Sebastian Wine by Opolo was offered in 2018 and now the second one is in the process of being pre- pared. Before the production of each vintage begins, the blessing and the tasting has to take place.
At the beginning of December of 2020,
His Grace Bishop Maxim and visiting clergy
were welcomed by Rick and his team, once
again, to taste the samples. The hospitality extended by Rick and Opolo always sur- passes everyone’s expectations. Rick and his staff masterfully demonstrated the art of winemaking and ascertaining that the best fruits are offered in the service to the Lord. The third vintage of Sebastian Wine will have less alcohol content; it is sweet and pleas- ing to the taste with a fruity aroma, without additives, and without being fortified. It is wonderfully rich and complex, with depth, and is a full-bodied wine. As before, this entire production of Sebastian Wine is blessed by His Grace Maxim. In addition to His Grace, other visiting clergy that day were: Protopresbyter-Stavrophore Vasilije Cvijanovic, Protopresbyter-Stavrophore Radivoj Panic (guest from St. Sava Church in Vracar, Belgrade), Protopresbyter Blasko Paraklis, Protopresbyter Bratislav Bratso Krsic, Presbyter Jovan Katanic, Deacon Vladan Radovanovic, Protinica Sretenka Cvijanovic, and Protinica Lisa Krsic.
In addition to the selection of liturgical wine that day, His Grace and guests were able to taste samples for the new production of the table wine. This new wine will replace the Autocephaly wine (2019) produced in commemoration of the 800th an- niversary of the autocephaly of the Serbian Orthodox Church. The Autocephaly wine is a classic Bordeaux-style blend with a 14.8% alcohol content. The newly proposed wine will soon go into production and its name will also soon be announced. It will be a blend of the best Opolo wines with a pleasant and lasting after taste. The delight of each person will no doubt be met since Opolo continues to surpass the expectations of its patrons and new visitors.
His Grace and Father Radivoj (visiting priest from Serbia) presented Rick with a painting representing both Hagia Sophia in Constantinople and St. Sava Church in Vracar, Belgrade, where Fr. Radivoj serves as one of the parish priests.
Offering the finest fruit for the liturgical wine, as Rick has done, is also synony- mous to offering the finest harvest of everything that we do in our life. Our life is a gift from God, and we are called to offer it back to our Lord.
We pray at the blessing of wine and at the harvesting of a vineyard: “ Thou Thyself now also, O Lord, send down Thy Holy Spirit upon this wine, and bless it in Thy holy Name... O Master, bless this fruit of the vine, and grant sanctification and prosperity of soul unto all of us that shall partake of it... Amen.”

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