Page 89 - Western Diocese Annual 2023
P. 89

    The Serbian Christian Heritage of America The Historical, Spiritual and Cultural presence of the Serbian Diaspora in North America (1815–2019)
The Synaxarion
The lives of the Saints of the Orthodox Church by Hieromonk Makarios of Simonos Petra, Mt. Athos
The Lives of Bishop Mardarije of Libertyville and Archimandrite Sebastian Dabovich and Their Selected Writings / Житија Епископа Мардарија Либертивилског и Архимандрита Севастијана Џексонског њихови изабрани списи by Bishop Maxim (Vasiljević), Hieromonk Damascene (Christensen),
and Presbytera Ružica Marić
The Christian Heritage
of Kosovo and Metohija
The Historical and Spiritual Heartland of the Serbian People
The Prologue of Ohrid
Lives of Saints, Hymns, Reflections, and Homilies for Every Day of the Year
Охридски пролог
Lives of Saints, Hymns, Reflections, and Homilies for Every Day of the Year
Симеон Метафраст
Биографија, редакција, теологија
Symeon Metaphrastes
Biography, Redaction, Theology
by Bishop Maxim (Vasiljević) Епископ Максим Васиљевић
Biography of Bishop Mardarije / Животопис Владике Мардарија
Dragoslav Dragutinović / Драгослав Драгутиновић
Света и Божанска Литургија Светога Оца нашега Јована Златоуста
       To the Glory of God the Father
The lives of Saint Mardarije of Libertyville and Chicago and Saint Sebastian of San Francisco and Jackson and Their Selected
The Sacred and Divine Liturgy оf our Father among the Saints John Chrysostom / Света и Божанска Литургија Светога Оца нашега Јована Златоуста
From Crimea to the Stars: The Story of Saint Luke the Physician
by George Papageorgiou
Washed in the Blood of the Lamb
Holy New Serbian Martyrs and Victims
The Sacred and Divine Liturgy оf our Father among the Saints John Chrysostom

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