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                                    2If you fulfill full-time employee status, you areeligible to enroll in our benefits. You can alsoenroll eligible dependents.1WHO IS ELIGIBLE FOR BENEFITS?ELIGIBILITY & ENROLLMENT | ENROLLMENT CHECKLIST WHEN CAN I ENROLL?If you are a full-time new-hire, you areeligible for benefits upon completion of yournew-hire probationary period. Other timesare during the annual Open Enrollment, orupon experiencing a Qualifying Life Event.A Qualifying Life Event is a change in your situation that maymake you eligible for a Special Enrollment Period, allowing youto enroll in health insurance, cancel, or change plans within 30days of the event.Examples of Qualifying Life Events:Marriage, divorce, or legal separationBirth or adoption of a childDeath of a dependentGain or loss of CHIP coverage for a childLoss of other health coverage for yourself or adependentGain of other health coverage for yourself or adependent3 DO I HAVE TO ENROLL?You can %u201cwaive%u201d coverage if you%u2019re coveredelsewhere. If you waive coverage, you won%u2019tbe able to enroll in benefits until openenrollment next year - unless you experiencea qualifying life event.If you refuse the health insurance offering, you can purchase coverage from the StateHealth Insurance Exchange.4 ENROLLMENT CHECKLISTChoosing a health plan is one of themost important decisions you%u2019ll makethis year. These steps can help youchoose the right plan for you andyour family. Before enrollment begins,take a few moments to educateyourself on the available benefitoptions:Review your enrollment materials,Summary of Benefits andCoverage, (SBC), for specific plandetails.Think about your health historyand how things might change inthe upcoming year. Thinkingabout the services you need canhelp you determine what type ofcoverage is right for you.Estimate how much you spend onhealth care costs each year,including premiums, doctor visitsand prescriptions. It will help youidentify the plan that makes themost sense for you.Find out what other health careexpenses are covered, such asemergency care, surgeries andlaboratory tests.Attend or view your benefitseducation meeting and review thisguide thoroughly.Curious about Healthcare Reform and theIndividual Mandate? visit
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