Page 17 - To: David & Cheri Andrews
P. 17
Our Oldest son, Carlos Jr., had to go through a dental surgery to
remove some extra teeth that he had. This condition was always
there but now, that he is a young adult, it had became worse.
We had to use our credit cards to pay for the process, which was
expensive because of the complexity of it. We used part of this
gift to cover the remaining balance that we had.
The rest of the gift will be used to cover the school enrollment
payments for our sons.
Josue is going to start High school in a bilingual school and
Carlos is going to start a Bachelor Degree in Music at the
We are so thankful for your love towards our family. We bless
your lives May God prosper the work of your hands, keep you
with good health. Thank you for being part of the forerunners
for the gospel.
Carlos & Jacqueline Abrego