Page 83 - Parameter C_BPA AREA VI
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Financial Literacy for Farmers

      Program Objective    Specific     Strategy of  Location No. of    Project    Funding  Collaborating
                   s     Project/Activit Implementati  / Site  Clientele Implementer/  Source  Agencies
                               y            on                             s
    Financial  The      The University To attain the Isabela 542     ISU-IPAG        LBP    ISU, LBP
    Literacy   conduct  through the   training              farmers
    for        of       Institute of   goals, a
    Farmers    Financial  Public      training
               Literacy  Administration  design was
               for      and           designed
               farmers   Governance,   that will be
               program   in partnership   delivered
               aims to   with the     through face
               improve   Department of  to face
                        the Interior
               farmers   and Local    training to
               financial   Government,   farmers.
               manage   conducted the
               ment     Mandatory
               skills and  training for
               create    elected SK
               agriprene Officials from
               urship or  May 16-23,
               improve  2018.
               ve’s     Persons
               capacity  composed of
               to deliver ISU Faculty
               quality   and students
               services  (BPA, MPA &
                        DILG Officials,
                        LYDOs, and
                        who have the
                        were tapped
                        as resource
                        persons and
                                                Prepared by:

                                    JESSICA C. MANAGUELOD, MPA
                                       Department Chairperson-BPA
   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88