Page 131 - Parameter D_BPA AREA VI
P. 131

Capability Development Program for the
                                          Barangay Officials

       Program Objectives     Specific    Strategy of  Location  No. of    Project    Funding  Collaborati
                           Project/Activi Implementati  / Site  Clientele Implementer/  Source     ng
                                 ty           on                              s                 Agencies

     Capability  The       Upon         A needs       Barangay Target is  ISU-IPAG   ISU       ISU & GK
     Developme program     consultation  assessment   East,   30 per
     nt Program  was       with the     was done by  Barangay adopted
     for the    conceptuali officials of the the team by   West and barangay,
     Barangay  ze d to     3 adopted    asking the    Damman which
     Officials of  strengthen  barangays,   Barangay   g      means
     Adopted    the        the following  officials about     30 x 3 =
     Barangays  leadership  were        their CB              90
     of ISU     capacity of  identified:  needs.
     Echague,  the adopted
     Isabela    barangays,  -Livelihood
                make them  Training
                empowered -Disaster Risk
                entities as  Reduction and
                they are   Management
                primarily   -COVID 19
                responsible Prevention
                for meeting  and Mitigation
                the needs of

                                             Prepared by:

                            JESSICA C. MANAGUELOD, MPA

                                Department Chairperson-BPA
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